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Stockbrands Tab Tags

Stock Brands: Tab Tags - Expand Livestock Identification Capabilities with Additional Information and Versatility

Tab Tags

For added versatility and information, our tab tags can be easily slid over both the “Australian Strong Tag” and the “Australian Sidney Sheep Tag.” These tab tags serve as supplementary identifiers, allowing you to include extra details or specific information about your livestock. Whether you need to note important medical information, specific breeding data, or any other pertinent details, our tab tags provide a convenient solution. Designed to seamlessly integrate with our strong and reliable tags, these tab tags ensure that all the essential information about your livestock is readily accessible and easily managed. With our comprehensive system, you can have peace of mind knowing that your livestock is accurately identified and well-documented, facilitating efficient stock management practices.

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Stockbrands is an ISO 9001:2015 Accredited Manufacturer. Contact our distributors today.


Stockbrands is an ISO 9001:2015 Accredited Manufacturer. Contact our distributors today.

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